George’s Blog

Welcome to the new web site!

PointPix thrived on Facebook for several years and as a website. The website was hidden in the darkest reaches of the dark web!
(Not really, it was  just a private site, filled primarily with boring family type photos, only shared with the folks in them, and some silly enough to want to see them.)’s new goal is to share my favorite photographs from the past along with all of the new images I am creating. My family and I have been to many interesting locations Around the World. Photos from our travels are organized geographically, featuring pix from  Paris, Buenos Aires, the Hudson Valley/Catskills NY, Point Lookout NY, NYC and many other interesting destinations. Be sure to visit the PointPix Favorites Gallery, that’s where I keep the photos I like the most.

About me-

Loving  photography since childhood, it seems like I have been doing it forever, as far back as having my own Black & White darkroom in the basement in grade school .  My dad was an amazing photographer and I am very proud to say that my daughter Jacqui is as well.
In the early years I was the proverbial high school and college yearbook/newspaper photographer, and even a wedding photographer.
During my  EMT/Paramedic years,  (NYC’s 911 system for over 13 years) I snapped photos at “rackets” and other events.
During my culinary career I stayed active with photography taking food pictures and producing content my Escoffier On Line (EOL)  website.
My photos were published in the American Culinary Federation’s (ACF) monthly magazine the Culinary Review. The photos were from the Chefs Championships at the Javits Center in NYC for the Competition.

The future-

In my archives I have literally thousands of photographs from places near and far.  I will be remastering old and adding new photos  from Long Island, NY State and my travels.
I love photography and hopefully you will enjoy some of my pix as well!
As new pix are added I’ll add some to the Facebook Page, (like and follow us there to be notified).
Please come back and see the rest here!

All the Best,



